
2020-08-07     上海升学观察


8 of July, a photo of AS Class of 2020, Cardiff and Vale College Shanghai


Cardiff and Vale College Shanghai held a Graduation Ceremony at the Sheraton Hotel. There were many exciting moments at the ceremony for which students and teachers gathered together.

Our students receive loads of nice words and parting wishes from their teachers, whose expectations of their students’ successful future are high. All of those nice words were very touching and whole-hearted but meanwhile they fully reflected the educational philosophy of the school.


The graduation ceremony began with a passionate speech by Mr. Kevin Radcliffe, Managing Director of International Education in China, continued with the affectionate speech by Mr. James Sun, the Principal of CAVC Shanghai. After it continued with a sincere speech given by Duan Di, a subject teacher representative, and the exciting speech delivered by our alumnus Zhou Yunjie, which inspired everyone who been there.


Integration Into Society

孙苏建校长希望,即将出国留学的AS班级的同学们,努力把握学习自主权、适应能力、融入主流社会这三个方面的成长。在英国总校高三(A2)最后一年冲刺的成败与否,在很大程度上决定你将来能飞多高、走多远, 甚至决定你这一生的高度与宽度。”

As a student who studied abroad and graduated in 1989, Mr. James Sun, the Principal of CAVC Shanghai delivered a powerful speech to all AS students.

The success or failure of the final year of Senior High School (A2) in the UK largely determines how high and far you can fly in the future, and even the height and width of your life." He hopes that AS students who will study abroad will have a thorough grasp of ownership, adaptability, and integration into the society.



Ownership. Every student who arrives in the UK must turn their passive learning approach into the independent learning process.

This transformation has two meanings. First, you have to develop your intrinsic motivation which should come from your inner dreams and pursuits, in spite of the current crisis and tension in the external world.

The second meaning is about independent learning, research, and improving academic writing ability. It would be best if you used the library to find materials, participate in brainstorming with your classmates, do surveys and scientific experiments, write essays, give presentations on the stage. This is the only way to enter university and to graduate successfully.


你们来到上海卡迪夫公学开始寄宿生活,只是走向独立生活的第一步,因为你们每一周都可以回家享受家的温暖。但是出国后,你们真正的要开始独立生活,独自走向社会了,所以,我希望你们把握好两个方面——迅速提升独立生活的能力、适应外国的文化习俗与法规。前者体现在管理和打理个人生活的方方面面,后者一定要学会“入国问禁、入乡随俗”,“When in Rome, do as Romans do”。否则你可能会因为在公共场合高声喧哗而被众人鄙视和怒视,你可能会因为随地吐痰等侵犯公德的行为被罚款;你可能会因为出勤率不够或夜不归宿而被遣送回国;总之,要真正学会并做到自强、自律、自立!凡事自己扛着,不要再让父母亲为你着急和操心,而要让父母放宽心与放心!


Your boarding life at CAVC Shanghai is just a first step towards an independent life as you can't go home to enjoy the warmth of home every weekend.

But abroad you have to start your independent life and get along with society. Therefore, I hope you will quickly improve your ability to live alone and adapt to the new culture. The first one means successful management of all aspects of your life and the second one means that you have to learn the country policies, rules and customs. Remember: "When in Rome, do as Romans do".

Otherwise, you may be despised for making loud noises in public, you may be fined for spitting and other violations of public morals; you may be sent back to your country because of insufficient attendance or not returning home at night.

In short, we must truly learn and achieve self-reliance, self-discipline, and self-reliance! Carry everything on your own, don't let your parents worry about you anymore, but let them relax and rest!




When you abroad do not commit an error of many other Chinese students. Try to expand your network by making friends with local or international students instead of staying in circle of your Chinese friends. Also, when you go out do not stay only in Chinatown, explore the world around you.

You should not only become integrated into the British school life and study style but also into the life of Cardiff and most importantly into British society. I recommend you to start with these three aspects. First, find new friends among British or European students; this will improve your English and will allow you to understand their culture deeply. By doing so you will expand your network abroad.

The second aspect: visit UK universities to select the university of your dream for your further study.

The third aspect: participate in various social activities after your classes, join some volunteer and welfare activities. Only "Reading thousands of books, travelling thousands of miles, and reading countless people" can cultivate a global perspective and develop the comprehensive qualities of a world citizen.


The Future World Needs Unique Individuals



第一,希望同学们找到自己独特的定位。我们的生活建立前人的伟大成就之上,我们今天所传承的 “财富”比以往任何时候都要丰富,希望你们珍惜并学会感谢现在所拥有的。你们的价值,在于你创造了什么。未来世界需要独特的个体而不是没有差别的流水工人。众所周知,现在的机器越来越像人了,那么人就没有必要变得像机器了。要想不被时代的发展而落下,得找到自己独特的定位。

第二,希望你们有好书常伴于身,并丰富内心世界。在我工作的第一年读到了一本书,叫《Tuesdays with Morrie》,里面有两句话分享给大家:“人生中最重要的事就是学会爱与被爱。而可以让你生命有意义的方式是去关爱别人,致力于你身边的社交圈,将自己献身于创造那些可以使你有目标和意义的事情。“我期待你们多阅读,开阔自己的眼界,更早地制定目标和方向,做一个幸福并快乐的人。


At the graduation ceremony, Mr. Duan Di from Cardiff College's Shanghai campus adhered to the concept of "cultivating unique children". He believed that the future world needs unique individuals. With expectations for the future of his classmates, he expressed his three hopes and gave his blessings.

First, I hope students will find their unique position. Our lives are built on the great achievements of our predecessors. The "wealth" we inherit today is more abundant than ever before. I hope you will learn how to appreciate what you have now.

Your value lies in what you have created. The future world needs unique individuals instead of pipeline workers.

As we all know, machines are becoming more and more humans, so it does not make sense for humans to be like machines. If you don't want to be behindhand in our fast-developing world, you have to find your own unique position.

Second, I hope you will always have good books with you, and you will enrich your inward. In my first year of work, I read a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie". There were two sentences I would like to share with you: "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." The great way to make your life meaningful is to care for others, devote yourself to the social circle around you, and devote yourself to creating things that give you a sense of purpose.

"I expect you to read more, broaden your horizons, set goals as early as possible, and to be a happy person."

Third, I hope you will take the initiative in learning another culture and improve your verbal and communication skills. I hope students who are going to study at Cardiff and Vale College in the UK will meet more interesting foreign friends, experience local life, and keep studying hard. Don't afraid to speak in English; no foreigner will require you to speak English as good as they.


Certificate Award Ceremony


Cardiff and Vale College is a public school in the UK with more than half a century history. It has successively established campuses in Shanghai, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Pinghu, Zhejiang and Yiwu. The school plans to open 30 branches in China.


Cardiff College Shanghai is a first branch of the UK school in China. This prestigious school has a solid British mentality in its DNA that adheres to the school motto of Inclusive, Inspirational, Influential, and aims to provide its students with world-class quality care. That is why the school has become one of the leaders in international education.




After Cardiff and Vale College leadership awarded more than 40 students, Li Song's song began to play and the feeling of farewell became real.

Each of you will always be in our hearts. We hope when you step up into your new journey, you will ride the wind and open the door of your dream university.

You can still retain the purity and innocence of youth!

文章来源: https://twgreatdaily.com/zh-hans/57pz3nMBURTf-Dn5p_P-.html