【收藏帖 】3月5日亞太地區A類雅思寫作Task2導師範文及解析

2020-04-09     EIC啟德考培




Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, but other people think one should find a permanent job. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


出題時間:2011-11-19A Task2;2014-10-25A Task2;2017-1-14A Task2;2020-3-5A Task2 (Asia-Pacific)




這是一道2011年首先出現的在亞太地區考過3次的舊題。雖然不是新題,但是其實考點很深奧的!典型的Discuss Both Views題型,想拿高分(TR7分以上)需要考生深入的分析解釋兩方的立場。這裡給大家一些解題思路:

1. 什麼是job satisfaction?

2. 什麼是job security?

3. 他們的影響因素有什麼?是所有人都一樣的嗎?

4. Permanent job又是什麼?

5. 它對於公司和個人的影響又是什麼呢?

6. 以上所有的這些抽象的定義的可能性包括哪些具象化的例子呢?


Emerging in the mid-1980s, modern human resource management, also known as personnel management in its original form, has grown into a core part in most large corporations worldwide as more importance is attached to the appreciation of human capital to an organisation’s long-term development. Yet, one long-lasting controversy in this domain is whether job satisfaction or job security is more crucial for a company.

Advocates of job satisfaction often think highly of the mutual benefits to organisations and their staff--motivation to better performance and greater loyalty. Admittedly, when the overall economy is weak, especially during a financial recession or a war, the stable income guaranteed by job security is vital for meeting people’s basic physiological needs, like accommodation and food. In a healthy economic environment, stable as they may be, some jobs are criticised for their lack of challenge to exert employees』 optimal performance. This is because benefits are usually positively correlated to risks, which is also a law applicable to the potential value that workers are able to offer to a firm: the safer the position, the less likely for them to innovate to generate economic returns to both companies and themselves. By contrast, competitive compensation and benefits packages, or tangible rewards, ranging from monetary ones such as basic salary, commission, and bonus to non-monetary ones such as free meals and company transport and accommodation, are often regarded as potent incentives to attract and keep competent staff. Even for the senior staff whose priority is not to secure a high income or those who are leading a relatively affluent life with sufficient savings, career is a means by which they can realise self-esteem. In this case, long working hours, terrible organisational interpersonal relationship, and distant work locations might affect employees』 morale and hence their devotion, whereas attractive intangible rewards, including recognition from supervisors, peers, and subordinates, job enrichment, flexible work schedule, and so forth, promote long-term commitment.

The straightforward advantage of having a permanent job is to ensure desirable performance to both companies and employees. From employers』 perspective, if there are too many temporary positions or employees』 turnover rate is high, the major concern is the less consistency in company’s performance due to frequent task transactions between the previous and the current job holders, let alone the enormous resources invested in training new recruits, like time and fees, which, nevertheless, may not bring immediate benefits to productivity and work efficiency. Therefore, encouraging their employees to serve for a long time or even a lifetime or providing permanent positions in most departments plays a significant role in minimising these negative impacts from discontinuity. As for employees, although keeping a position for a long time could result in boredom because of the lack of novelties, changing jobs or careers continually means constant adaptation to new work environment. For one thing, this may lead to the relatively low contribution during a certain period of time owing to the needs to blend into a new organisational social circle and be familiar with new occupational tasks and responsibilities; for another, this approach may not be favourable for one’s gradual accumulation of relevant work experience in a specific industry or business in that many external factors, such as business trends and government policies, could be distinct across fields.

As far as I am concerned, it is hard to conclude which opinion is more reasonable because an effective motivation is inextricably linked with a person’s desire, which might be affected by his or her education, ages, financial condition, and career stages. As is suggested by the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, people tend to care more about a stable income brought by a permanent position when a safe shelter and a full stomach before bed are their life priority or when they are less skillful or lack competitive advantages in a labour market; however, the chances for seeking greater self-achievement provided by an job opportunity could be the best driving force to those who are ambitious and adventurous.

Copyright Qiyun (Kevin) Huang

All Rights Reserved


文章來源: https://twgreatdaily.com/yJrpYXEBrZ4kL1ViV_OF.html